Englerth Award
The 2024 winner of the Englerth Award is Ginny Pearce, for her seedling 17-69-01.
Since 1987 Region 2 hybridizers, amateur and professionals alike, have competed for the Englerth Award for Hybridizing Excellence. This award is to encourage and promote Region 2 hybridizers. The award is in memory of Lawrence and Winifred Englerth, of Hopkins, Michigan. The Englerths were longtime members of the American Daylily Society, and Winifred was a charter member. Both Lawrence and Winifred were hybridizers, growers and active promoters of daylilies for many years. The Englerths registered their first cultivar in 1960 ‘Patty Patten’, over the next twenty years they registered a total of 26 cultivars, with the last know registered as ‘Cinnamon Cherries’ in 1980. Winnie was known for introducing daylilies with high bud count and she delighted in using names in which the first letter was repeated. Many of her creations, ‘Mini Minx’, ‘Skippy Skeezix’, and ‘Pinky Pinkerton’, are still found in Region 2 gardens.
Englerth Award Criteria
- Competition is open to all Region 2 ADS members. More than one candidate (seedling) may be entered each year, and an award recipient may enter seedlings in successive years.
- All unregistered seedlings cultivars are eligible.
- Seedlings must be displayed at the Annual Region 2 Summer Meeting and must be clearly marked as Englerth Award Candidates without identification of the hybridizer. Candidates should be planted in one bed in one of the Region 2 Tour Gardens.
- All attendees of the Annual Region 2 Summer Meeting are eligible to vote, by ballots provided by the chair of the Region 2 Awards and Honors Committee or by the meeting chairperson. In the event, the ADS National Convention is held in Region 2, all attendees of the National event will be allowed to vote. In the case of a tie duplicate medals will be awarded.
- All questions of eligibility will be decided by a majority of the Awards and Honors Committee.
This hybridizing excellence award is open to Region 2 Hybridizers exclusively. All seedlings and cultivars which have not been registered are eligible. Plants entered as candidates for the Englerth Award are to be planted in one of the designated Region 2 Summer Meeting tour gardens are to be marked with a code number only. All attendees of the Region 2 Summer Meeting are encouraged to vote on the ballots supplied by the chairperson. The award medallion is to be engraved with the winner’s name and is one to be cherished.
To enter your seedling/seedlings, ship enough fans of the plant to have a good chance of bloom on the day of the tour.
ATTENTION Region 2 Hybridizers, for 2025, 2026:
Attention ADS Region 2 Hybridizers
Novice or Professional
You must be an AHS/ADS Member and live in Region 2
Seedlings will be accepted for the 2025 Englerth Display Bed thru May of 2024. Each hybridizer may send up to 5 bare root cultivars to Linda Sutter. Clumps of 3-5 fans are recommended. Each cultivar must have the seedling number and your contact information attached. Please contact the garden owner before shipping plants.
The 2025 competition display bed will be at the gardens of
Gregg & Linda Sutter
10547 U.S. 52 South
Clark Hill, Indiana 47930
Linda Sutter – sutterlinda105@gmail.com
Linda – 765-491-4743 Gregg – 765-491-2434
The 2026 competition display bed will be at the gardens of
Monique Warnke
6596 Chestnut Circle
Windsor, Wisconsin 53598
Monique – 608-279-0299
Monique will be accepting plants for the 2026 competition starting May, 2024 through the spring of 2025. Each hybridizer may send up to 5 bare root cultivars to Monique Warnke. Clumps of 3-5 fans are recommended. Each cultivar must have the seedling number and your contact information attached. Please contact the garden owner before shipping plants.