As a service to its members and to the general public, each year the American Daylily Society (ADS) conducts a popularity poll among its members to determine the favorite daylilies from each region. It is the hope of the ADS that this Popularity Poll presents a true picture of which daylilies perform well in a given area and which are best liked by the membership. Popularity polls are important to daylily growers — both AHS members and non-members — who make daylily selections for purchase.

Once a daylily wins the Popularity Poll, it is removed from future ballots and placed in the REGION 2 ALL-STAR DAYLILY CULTIVARS (pictures are available in the slide show below this year’s winners). These are the daylilies that the members voted as doing well in our region.

Voting Requirements:

  • If you are ADS member you are eligible to vote. Dual members should vote separately. Clubs, corporations and institutions cannot vote.
  • Vote for at least one cultivar, but no more than ten (10) cultivars.
  • Select your favorite registered, well established cultivars (no seedlings) which you have observed in your garden or immediate area.
  • You are encouraged to vote for your personal favorites.That can be older varieties or newer plants.
  • The electronic ballot available on the ADS website (use the link from this website).A paper ballot is provided in the region newsletter.
  • Mail or email your choices to our Regional Publicity Director.
  • Whichever submission method you choose, please submit your ballot only once.All ballots much be submitted by September 1st.

Note: To remain on the ballot a cultivar must obtain at least five votes in the prior year. The ballot allows for five write in votes for cultivars that don’t appear on the ballot.

Independent voting ensures each member’s vote will carry equal weight in choosing each Region’s most popular daylilies. Group voting and other activities which influence the poll’s outcome are not allowed and may result in those ballots not being counted.

Download the 2020 Popularity Poll Ballot .pdf file —-> HERE.

2020 Region 2 Pop Poll top 10 are below.

1st Place. ‘Heavenly United We Stand’ (Gossard 2009)  Photo by Claude Carpenter

1st Place. ‘Heavenly United We Stand’ (Gossard 2009)  Photo: by Claude Carpenter

2nd Place. ‘Carnival In Mexico’ (Santa Lucia, 2000)  Photo: by Saundra Dunn

3rd Place. ‘All American Chief’ (Sellers, 1994) Photo by Debbie Monbeck

4th Place. ‘Rose F. Kennedy’ (Doorakian, 2007) Photo: Debbie Monbeck

5th Place. ‘Entwined In The Vine’ (Emmerich, 2007) Photo: Ginny Pearce

6th Place. ‘Bela Lugosi’ (Hanson-C., 1995)  Photo: Claude Carpenter

7th Place. ‘I Lava You’ (Holmes-S., 2009)  Photo: Debbie Monbeck

8th Place. ‘Jerry Hyatt’ (Hanson-C., 2004)  Photo: Debbie Monbeck

9th Place (Tie).  ‘Condilla’ (Grooms, 1977)  Photo by Debbie Monbeck

9th Place. (Tie). ‘Walt Lowry’ (Holmes-S., 2011)  Photo: Debbie Monbeck